Teradactyl Modern Sightings of Pterosaurs Still Living Pterosaurs Still Living Cryptozoology book Umboi Island Eyewitnesses Marfa Lights “Teradactyl” in Arkansas Non-fiction cryptozoology book Live Pterosarus in America, 3rd ed. Available on Amazon.com The most comprehensive nonfiction book on extant pterosaurs in many of the 48 contiguous states of the United States A common misspelling is “teradactyl” First, “teradactyl” is a misspelling of “pterosaur” In the third edition of the nonfiction book Live Pterosaurs in America we read: “On the Papua New Guinea mainland, in 2006, Paul Nation and his associate, native minister Jacob Kepas, explored deep in the highland interior. One night, Paul video- taped two glowing objects near the top of a ridge. The natives attribute this kind of light to large flying creatures that used to carry away pigs and children from their village. “In daylight, Jacob was led up a mountain where he thought he could just make out the features of a large winged-creature sleeping on a cliff; his guide then climbed higher, confirming it was the creature called ‘indava.’ “Early in 2007, Paul Nation’s video footage was analyzed by a physicist. That recording of the two lights could not be enhanced to reveal any form of what produced them, but detailed analysis revealed that they were not from any camp fires, lanterns, car headlights, meteors, or airplanes; also, the lights were not camera artifacts or the result of a paste- on hoax. Both lights were consistent: made by real objects on that remote ridge.” In the scientific paper “Reports of Living Pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific” we read (in a peer-reviewed journal): “In 2004 I interviewed Duane Hodgkinson, of Montana . . . He and an army friend were in a jungle clearing west of Finschhafen . . .  in 1944 . . . something “huge” took off into the air from the far side of the clearing. The creature ran to their left, taking six to ten steps to get airborne. . . . It then disappeared over the dense brush but soon returned and flew over the clearing, presenting a “perfect side view” of its features before again flying out of view. The wings never stopped flap- ping, at one to two seconds per flap, while it flew.” (CRSQ, Volume 45, Winter-2009) Of course, no scientific journal would use the word “teradactyl” or even “pterodactyl” for this flying creature: pterosaur. Regarding the 1944 sighting by Duane Hodgkinson and his buddy, the huge flying creature had a wingspan similar to that of of Piper Tri-Pacer private airplane. The tail length he estimated to be “at least 10-15 feet.” The head alone was about 4-5 feet long, not counting the head crest. It was nothing like any bird or bat.