Email Newsletters

Archives: Newsletter 012
Sep 30, 2008

To living-pterosaur investigators and to those interested
[bracketed text is edited, not in original email newsletter]




Lines of Influence

Near Collision over Indonesia
Investigation in Georgia (U.S.A.)



Living-pterosaur investigations (including,
but not limited to, sighting investigations)
continue. These cryptozoological studies began
around 1994, when Carl Baugh (of the Creation
Evidence Museum, in Glen Rose, Texas) and
missionary Jim Blume interviewed nationals
(natives) on Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea.
Baugh was assisted by Paul Nation (also of
that area of Texas) in the 1994 expedition.
In 2004, the investigations continued with
the expeditions of Jonathan Whitcomb, David
Woetzel, and Garth Guessman, who explored
Umboi and interviewed many eyewitnesses.
In late 2006, Paul Nation returned to Papua
New Guinea, but not to Umboi Island. He was
flown into a remote mountainous area of the
mainland by the pilot Jim Blume. Nation had
several night sightings of what the local
villagers call "indava." He videotaped two
lights that were similar to the glowing forms
of Umboi Island (these kinds of creatures
seem to have a bioluminescence).
See:  The Indava of Papua New Guinea
In recent years, most investigations involve
sightings in North American, especially the
West Coast of the U.S.A.
See the archive of the previous newsletter (011)
(about a Southern California investigation and
about the bat-ropen connection).


 Lines of Influence

Jim Blume interviewed many natives (late 20th Century).
Blume was interviewed, by telephone, by Garth Guessman.
Guessman gave a copy of the audiotaped interview to Whitcomb.
Whitcomb included much of Blume's information in his book.
The book ("Searching for Ropens") encouraged investigators to continue.
Garth Guessman and David Woetzel began a new investigation . .
Guessman & Woetzel [influenced Scott Norman to search, and he saw a
   large pterosaur one night.]
Reports of Norman's sighting were believed by some cryptozoologists.
Living-pterosaur investigations now have more credibility in cryptozoology.
Jim Blume assisted Carl Baugh with interviewing on Umboi Island.
Baugh brought Paul Nation along on one of the expeditions.
Nation returned, alone, to Umboi, in 2002, strengthening friendships.
The friendly villagers (natives on Umboi) assisted Whitcomb in 2004.
Whitcomb updated Guessman and Woetzel on conditions on Umboi.
Guessman and Woetzel arrived and interviewed other natives on Umboi.
Those two Americans obtained much information, leading to a scientific
   paper [written by Woetzel (Creation Research Society Quarterly).]
Woetzel's paper introduced living-pterosaur ideas to scientists in the U.S.
Woetzel's published paper lead Whitcomb to write for the same journal.
Readers of the journal better realized the depth of the investigations.
(Lines of influence are still to come in the scientific community)
Paul Nation instructed and prepared Whitcomb to explore Umboi Island.
Whitcomb explored Umboi Island and interviewed eyewitnesses.
Info. from Whitcomb's interviews were published in 1st edition of his book.
Book (1st ed.) influenced a businessman to help finance Nation's 2006 trip.
Paul Nation's 2006 expedition resulted in videotape of indava light.
Information on Nation's 2006 expedition was put into 2nd edition of the book.
Paul Nation obtained video footage of indava lights.
Footage of indava lights was later analyzed by physicist  Cliff Paiva.
Paiva's analysis encouraged Whitcomb to write more web pages.
Substantial number of web pages attracted attention of more  eyewitnesses.
New eyewitnesses enabled Whitcomb to continue interviewing: more data.
Paul Nation's videotaped indava lights encouraged  Destination Truth.
Destination Truth team obtained their own video of "ropen" light.
Broadcast of Destination Truth introduced many Americans to the ropen.
More American eyewitnesses are now open to being interviewed.
Duane Hodgkinson saw a giant flying "pterodactyl" in 1944.
Hodgkinson told of his experience [and this came to the
   attention of] Carl Baugh.
Hodgkinson's account [was accepted, encouraging more communication.]
Hodgkinson contacted Whitcomb (2004) and told him much information.
Whitcomb was encouraged to go to Papua New Guinea (Umboi). . . etc.
Hodgkinson's openness allowed Guessman to give him a videotaped
A portion of that video was put onto YouTube (online) by Whitcomb.
Many thousands of YouTube watchers were introduced to living pterosaurs.
Some YouTube viewers told Whitcomb about their own sightings.
(These are just a sample of many lines of influence.)


Near Collision Over Indonesia

A few weeks ago, the pilot of a small plane
reported a large flying creature: Just this past
June, it nearly collided with the plane. It was
about 150 miles southeast of Bali, Indonesia,
at 6500 feet. Immediately after the near collision,
both the pilot and co-pilot said, "pterodactyl!"
I (Jonathan Whitcomb) received emails from both
men. They are both former navy pilots and I found
their testimonies credible, without any sign of
a hoax and without any sign of a predisposition
to promote the concept of living pterosaurs. They
do not seem inclined to either disparage or promote
our investigations.
Although this sighting off the coast of Indonesia
was too brief for the men to be sure of many details
of appearance, the size of the creature (at first
the pilot thought it was another plane) and altitude
seem inconsistent with common birds or bats in the
southwest Pacific. It could have been a ropen.
This sighting is not given as independent evidence
of living pterosaurs; it is appreciated, however,
in context with all the sightings of giant pterosaur-
like creatures reported in the southwest Pacific:
Perhaps large ropens can fly above 6000 feet.
For more information, see:
Indonesia - Pterosaurs Still Living
Ropen Over Indonesia

Investigation in Georgia (United States)
I've been communicating, by email, with an eyewitness
in Georgia. Two flying creatures were seen within a
period of less than two weeks; one was larger than
the other, but they were in the same general area.
The sightings were just this past summer (2008).
From the drawings the lady sent to me, I am calling
this apparent pterosaur "Hammerhead Ropen." The head
appendage is somewhat similar to that of the creatures
seen by Hodgkinson and Hennessy; but the beak and the
appendage seem more like one continuous head-structure.
The head-appendage has a somewhat curved shape. Both
beak and head-appendage are more blunt than is in the
sketches of the Hodgkinson-Hennessy creatures.
The tail ends in a "flat, thick, heart-shaped pad."
Fortunately, this eyewitness is an artist; the drawings
are better than almost any others that I have seen.
I will be talking with her about the possibility of
letting the world see her sketches. (She is still an
anonymous eyewitness.)


Archives Contents of the first eight issues of this newsletter


Thank you for your interest in living pterosaurs.
Please forward this email to anyone who might be interested.
And please send me email addresses of those who might
be interested in living-pterosaur reports. Thank you.
Jonathan Whitcomb
Still Living