Pterosaurs  Still  Living

These pages are sponsored by

Whitcomb Video Productions



New Book


PSL News


Whitcomb Expedition


What is a Ropen?




Explorers from So. California and New Hampshire


Are Dragons Pterosaurs?

Eyewitness Leonard of Opai Village

Pastor Kepas

Missionary Blume

To report any unusual sighting,

contact Jonathan Whitcomb at:



Text Box:     Composite Drawing of Ropen

   Bumps along tail, neck, back: Gideon Koro

   Bumps along tail: Jonah Jim

   Coloring: Gideon and both of the Australians
   indicated brown. (Hodgkinson: dark non-black)

   Feet: (tucked in) Hodgkinson

  “Hands”: (halfway up wings) Jim Blume

   Head appendage: Hodgkinson (excellent view)

   Head shape:  mostly from Hodgkinson with con-
   sideration of findings of Jim Blume and words of
   Gideon Koro.

   Head length: about 3-4 feet (Hodgkinson)

   Neck length: Details of Hodgkinson & indirectly
   from Gideon and two Australians

   Skinny, in general: Gideon & Blume

   Tail, flange: Gideon and two associates said the
    tail had a “diamond”. (also Jim Blume)

  Wings, shape: described by Australian as like a
   “very elongated shark fin” (generally confirmed 
    by Jonah Jim)

  Wingspan ratio: more according to Umboi Island
   reports (Australians’ Perth sighting may have 
   been of a creature with smaller wings.)

updated Sept 5, 2006

Non-fiction  book  about  the expeditions and investigations of  pterosaur-like  sightings