Still Living

Pterosaurs Still Living

Mt. Bel was not a primary choice in 2004
Mount Bel was once thought to be a prime location for searching for the modern pterosaur called "ropen." But it's usually cloudy, thus making observations from its summit difficult, and it has “man traps” for catching trespassers. In addition, there’s a land-ownership dispute, with those claiming ownership asking for 3000 kina ($1000) for permission to climb and to be escorted.
In addition, it’s very windy up there. More-recent explorers have preferred Mount Tolo (but it’s windy there, too).
Since more night sightings have been on Mount Bel than on any other mountain on Umboi Island, these photos are included for general interest. (Bel seems to be considered, by local villagers, to be a particular peak, although the earlier explorers may have thought of it as a series of mountain peaks or ridges.)
Tourists are advised to avoid this wilderness unless guided by an expert who is experienced with Umboi Island (AKA Siasi). It is far off normal tourism routes.
The “non-appearance” of Mount Bel is common, because of cloud cover
The Southern landslide, on the western face of Mount Bel, Umboi Island, Papua New Guinea
Location of a night ropen-sighting by Luke Paina: 
(appearance 12 hours later, October of 2004).
Searching for Ropens,
Living Pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea (nonfiction book by Jonathan Whitcomb)
Learn about the amazing ropen and why it was ignored or overlooked by scientists for decades. Learn why the idea of ancient extinctions of all dinosaurs and pterosaurs has been taught in Western countries for generations. Learn about expeditions to Papua New Guinea, the searches
for living pterosaurs.
This is probably the first book ever written on
living pterosaurs in the Southwest Pacific.
Attention: This book contains many reasons for believing in God and for disbelieving in standard models of macroevolution. Do not purchase if you may be offended by creationist approaches to life or by any
criticism of the General Theory of Evolution.
        Copyright 2004-2010 Jonathan Whitcomb
Note: In earlier publications on living pterosaur investigations, Luke's last name was spelled "Kenda."