Category #4 includes all non-harmful mutations that do not fall under categories

#1-#3 above. These organisms greatly outnumber the first three types. By defi-

nition, they do not have any direct bearing on the calculations.


Using the mean estimates of mutation rates and categorizations we’ll now choose

a saturation cycle period and calculate how many mutations have occurred. In

a period of 1000 saturation cycles (one “year”), 10e32 cell divisions result in:


       10e23  non-harmful mutations maximum

       10e22  non-harmful mutations mean

       10e21  non-harmful mutations minimum


Using the above “mean,” the following seems (See “It should now be noted . . .” on

page . . ./e-boundary/page8.html) to show the populations at the end of the first “year”:


Category #1: 5.49 * 10e19   (see population “2-A”, page 8)  (mutation type “C1”)

Category #2: 5.49 * 10e19   (see population “2-B”, page 8)  (mutation type “C2”)

Category #3: 5.1 * 10e17     (see population “2-C”, page 8)  (mutation type “C3”)

Category #4: a bit less than 10e22


We will no longer keep track of category #4 as, by definition, these organisms don’t

have anything leading to any structure that might allow for another energy source.

According to baggage principles, these organisms, though they greatly outnumber

other non-harmful mutations, won’t out-compete average varieties in the long term.

Since the best they can do is present an average competition, their effect is no differ-

ent than the competition offered by the non-mutated original variety.


In categories #1-#3 we see that in the timeframe of 1000 saturation cycles secondary

non-harmful  mutations are to be predicted.  That is, the mutants in these three cate-

gories have themselves produced descendants and that a portion of these third-level

groups each received a non-harmful mutation.


Before we can proceed with calculating secondary mutations, we need to establish

naming conventions and abbreviations.  This will facilitate  charting family trees,

timelines, and tables and help keep populations organized.


The original population that saturated the oceans of the planet will be designated

“1-A”.  Groups arising directly from the original, through non-harmful mutations,

will be named “2-A”, “2-B”, “2-C”, etc.  Third “generation” groups will be named

“3-A”, “3-B”, etc., as they came about when second “generation” groups received

non-harmful mutations. For the purposes of the simulations, the word “generation”

does not refer to a single cell cycle but to the origination of mutant groups.


The three basic categories of mutation will be designated “C1”, “C2”, and “C3”.

It will be seen that when population sizes are large enough, groups may produce

more “generations” of C1, C2, and C3 during the “year”. This leads to an accumu-

lation of two qualities in the next “generation” of groups.


Now we need to keep track of the accumulated qualities, the two types of relevant

qualities being “immediate survivability” and the “potential for another energy

source”. We’ll abbreviate the first quality as “IS” and the second as “PAES”. The

degrees of these qualities will be designated by the number of mutations that have

contributed to them. “IS=3” refers to three degrees of immediate survivability, for

example. “PAES=2” refers to two non-harmful mutations that have contributed to

the organism’s future potential for having a secondary energy source.


Evolutionary Boundary

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