We’ll simulate population changes on a theoretical planet with a water content

at least that of the earth. With no other life forms except one-celled organisms of

almost uniform characteristics, we may be able to judge how the principles of survi-

val of the fittest apply to evolutionary potential in an environment that is similar

to what some believe to be the biological condition of this earth long ago.


In these examinations we’ll look into three types of potential changes within the cell,

two of which might, eventually, result in a cell structure that would allow for establish-

ing an energy source other than light. We’ll examine the implications that such changes

would have, applying the principles of survival of the fittest.


We’ll assume, for the purposes of these examinations, that the principle potential

for the creation of new biological forms is in genetic mutation.  In these simulations,

when a mutation occurs that’s not negative to immediate survivability, it’ll be placed

into one of four categories:


     1) Beneficial by improving survivability such as increased efficiency in

              converting light to energy or in cell efficiency, or reproduction, etc (“C1”)


     2) No immediate benefit apparent but there is a slight change within

         the cell that might become, over many generations, part of a structur

         that uses an energy source other than light  (“C2”)


     3) A mutation that is a combination of the above two, in that it increases

          both immediate survivability and the potential for a future energy

          source other than light  (“C3”)


     4) No positive effect and no change that would ever result in any

         structure related to an energy source other than light


A significant factor in population ratio changes is that the first and third categories

of mutation are more competitive than the original parent population.


The third category of genetic mutation will be very rare.  The fourth category is

deemed most common of the four types, however multiple generation calculations

are not needed for the organisms of this type as they do not significantly compete

nor influence potential evolutionary changes either directly or indirectly.


It is stipulated that genetic mutations are more common with:


     1) A larger population of organisms


     2) A population which exists for a longer time


This means that if a population of variety “A” is five times as numerous as population

“B”, it would be expected that over a period of time, there would be five times as

many mutations in group “A” as group “B”.  (the groups being very similar organisms.)

It also means that a group that has not existed very long will have fewer mutations

than a similar-sized population (of very similar organisms) that is older.




We’ll also consider the concept of “baggage” in regard to survival of the fittest. For

the purposes of these examinations, baggage refers to a structure that is not beneficial

for the short term survivability or propagation of an organism but which may be useful

in the distant future, provided it can become part of a more elaborate structure that will

have a positive effect. Baggage does not include those mutations which have obvious

negative influences on survivability, but to those few mutations which do not appear

harmful to immediate survivability. Nevertheless, an important part of this concept

is that an accumulation of baggage will negatively effect the population of a group

compared with how it would fare if there was no baggage. There is no free ride in

a world dominated by survival of the fittest.  Though a very small cell structure that

does not benefit immediate survivability may have very little negative effect, an accu-

mulation of baggage will be slightly detrimental to the survivability of a subpopulation

until what was formerly called baggage becomes a useful structure that will en-

able an alternate energy source to be used by the target organism.


Evolutionary Boundary

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