

A Preliminary Investigation into
An Evolutionary Boundary

In a saturated environment, a group that arises from non-
harmful mutations (type C1) over a period of one thousand
saturation cycles, resulting in 5.49 x 10e19 organisms, if
they were of average survivability, will, at IS=1, result in
a 101% increase in population per
saturation cycle:

Using a "Basic" programming language:

original = 5.49450549*10^16
rem             5.49450549*10^16 is added to itself repeatedly, 
rem             (1000 times) which equates to 5.49450549*10^19
population =  0
population=population + original
population= population* 1.01
rem multiply by 1.01 because "IS" is one point better than the average competition 
countit=countit + 1
IF countit=1000 then [end]
GOTO [start]
[end] print population

answer:  1.16306248*10e23       (about 1.16 * 10e23)
This is the total population of 2-A at the end of the first "year".

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